Débat Asie : The North Korean Regime’s Human Rights Record, 24 novembre 2016
Asia Centre en partenariat avec le CEJ organisent un Débat Asie sur le thème
The North Korean Regime’s Human Rights Record
Jeudi 24 novembre 2016 de 17h à 20h
INALCO – Amphi 7
65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris
Ce Débat Asie sera organisé autour de Han Dong-ho (Korean Institute for National Unification) et Teodora Gyupchanova (Database Center for North Korean Human Rights, DBNK) qui discuteront de la situation des droits de l’homme sous le régime nord-coréen aux côtés d’Antoine Bondaz, Guibourg Delamotte, William Fautré, Dorian Malovic, John Nilsson-Wright et Pierre Rigoulot.
La manifestation se tiendra en anglais.
Session 1. North Korea’s Lack of respect for Human Rights
Chair : Guibourg Delamotte
Intervention by Teodora Gyupchanova, Research Fellow, North Korean Database (NKDB) : “Human rights abuses in NK”
Intervention by Mr Han Dong-ho, Research Fellow, Korean Institute for National Unification: “The Human Rights Situation and its Implications for Korea’s Reunification”
Mr Pierre Rigoulot, historian;
John Nilsson-Wright, Senior Lecturer, Cambridge University and, Asia Programme Chair, Chatham House, Visiting Research Fellow, Asia Centre
Session 2. Regime survival
Chair : John Nilsson-Wright
Intervention by Mr William Fautré, Director, Human Rights without Frontiers (HRWF) : “Advocacy against the exploitation of NK Overseas Workers in EU institutions and at the OSCE”.
Dr Antoine Bondaz, Research Fellow, Asia Centre;
Mr Dorian Malovic, journalist.
Roudtable discussion around 2 themes:
– The South Korean government’s informational channels and its outlook on the North-South divide
– NGO action in North Kora
Q&A session with the public.
Organiser: Dr Guibourg Delamotte, Research Fellow, Centre for Japanese Studies, Inalco, and Associate Research Fellow, Asia Centre.
Institution: Asia Centre (“Debat Asie”)
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
parisconsortium (11 novembre 2016). Débat Asie : The North Korean Regime’s Human Rights Record, 24 novembre 2016. Le Réseau des Études sur la Corée. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/spog