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Bourses doctorales de la Freie Universität Berlin, 16 janvier 2015



Doctoral Scholarships in East Asian Studies at GEAS, Freie Universitaet Berlin


The Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments, will admit up to 17 doctoral candidates to its program, beginning October 1st, 2015. Twelve candidates will receive a grant funded through the Graduate School, up to two PhD candidates can be considered for special funding provided by the DAAD (GSSP Program). The Graduate School will also consider to accept up to three candidates who receive funding either from other Freie Universität Berlin programs, from partner institutions in East Asia (CSC, etc.), or through scholarships provided by German or international organizations.
We offer PhD stipends of € 1365 €/month (plus 103 €/m research allowance). Fellowships will initially be granted for one year, and contingent upon a positive evaluation after each year of study, fellowships will be extended for another year. The fellowship may be granted for a maximum of three years.

Doctoral dissertations at GEAS are expected to analyze the institutional environment of social, political, cultural and economic actors in the East Asian region (China, Japan and/or Korea). All dissertation research at GEAS will be conducted in the context of the three interconnected research lenses of its academic profile: (1) the origin and change of institutions in East Asia, (2) the effects institutions have on processes related to globalization and modernization in East Asia on the side of governments, bureaucracies or business and individual life-styles or related preferences, and, finally, (3) the interdependencies of institutions in East Asia within and beyond its regional boundaries.

Successful applicants will have an above average master’s degree in either area studies (Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, Korean Studies) or a discipline represented at the Graduate School (Political Science, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Business, Economics, Law, History, Cultural Studies, Humanities, Theatre Studies, Environmental Policy) with a focus on East Asia. The language of instruction is English. Successful candidates will also show proof of language skills in an East Asian Language (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) at a level of B2 (CEFR) or higher.

Applications should include a CV, a letter of academic interest, a brief outline of the prospective dissertation topic (maximum 6 pages), a schedule for the dissertation, and copies of certificates of your relevant degrees and language skills. Two letters of recommendation shall be sent directly by your referees to GEAS via the online application system. For more information and guidelines as well as for applications, please register at the online application portal:

The next application deadline will be January 16, 2015. For questions on admission and the online portal, please also consult the Admission FAQ at our webpage. The screening takes place in January and February 2015. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed (via Skype) in April 2015 at the latest. Candidates accepted for admission into GEAS will receive notice by early to mid-May 2015.

For additional information, please check our website and feel free to contact us. No legal entitlement shall be constituted by applying to the program. Reasons for rejections will not be disclosed.

GEAS Application Team
Graduate School of East Asian Studies
Freie Universität Berlin
Hittorfstr. 18
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30-838-59697
Fax: +49 (0)30-838-459697

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