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2015 AKS Graduate Fellowship, 24 novembre 2014


2015 AKS Graduate Fellowship
The Graduate School of Korean Studies (GSKS) in the Academy of Korean Studies is a research-oriented graduate institute established in 1980. We specialize in the fields of humanities and social sciences pertaining to Korea with the aim of nurturing eminent scholars of Korean studies who would search for the essence of Korean culture and contribute to the advancement and globalization of Korean studies. About 260 students including 130 international students from 35 countries are currently enrolled in our master’s and doctoral degree programs, enjoying close one-to-one guidance by professors which our 1:4 faculty-student ratio enables.
The AKS Graduate Fellowship is one of our non-degree programs which invites and supports international students for six months, providing them with a momentum to grow to be a next generation of promising scholars in Korean studies and to play a leading role in the field abroad. Applications for the 2015 AKS Graduate Fellowship for the period from 1 March 2015 to 31 August 2015 (or from 1 September 2015 to 28 February 2016) are now being sought. Those who aspire to widen and deepen their knowledge of Korea by conducting research at our graduate school in one of the most dynamic countries in the world are very welcome to apply.
1. Fellowship Benefits
A. Monthly allowance of KRW900,000 is provided.
B. An economy-class round trip airfare at actual expense is provided within the limit prescribed by the GSKS Travel Expenses Policy (Please see the Attachment 2 “Maximum Round-trip Airfares Per Regions”).
C. Fellowship Period : 6 months
1) Fellowship Period I : From 1 March 2015 to 31 August 2015
2) Fellowship Period II : From 1 September 2015 to 28 February 2016
※ Applicants should select one of the fellowship periods.
D. Access to the AKS facilities including the library and Jangseogak Archives is given.
E. On-campus dormitory is available at the rate of KRW716,100 for 6 months, double occupancy.
F. Korean language courses are offered free of charge.
G. A Certificate of Completion can be issued for those who successfully completed the program.
2. Number of Fellows Sought : ○○
3. Recruitment Schedule
A. Application Deadline : 5:00PM 24 November 2014
B. Selection Result Announcement on the AKS website : 6:00PM 26 December 2014
Lire la suite ici.

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