Fonds coréen au Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
Fonds coréen au Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University
More than five hundred publications and collections document social, political, and economic changes in North and South Korea, dating especially from the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910 to the Korean War. They include the records of the Japanese legation in Seoul (1894–1910), psychological warfare leaflets distributed by the United Nations during the Korean War, and records of the United States Army Military Government in Korea.
Kōshikan (Korea) Records: Materials on the Japanese legation of Korea, 1894-1910
Overview of the Radio Pyongyang radio broadcast transcripts, 1948
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parisconsortium (2 octobre 2014). Fonds coréen au Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University. Le Réseau des Études sur la Corée. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse