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Appel à contributions : “Korea’s Soft Power in the World”, 1er octobre 2014


The Romanian Journal of Sociology (published by the Institute of Sociology – Romanian Academy – and by the Romanian Academy) invites original empirical (qualitative or quantitative) research, literature reviews, theoretical or methodological contributions, integrative reviews, meta-analyses, comparative or historical studies on the topic „Korea’s Soft Power in the World”.


The articles should have between 8-10.000 words, with an abstract of 250-300 words and five key-words and they should adhere at APA Style.


Please name the manuscript as:  Authorname_KoreaSoftPower. Doc


The deadline of submitting the articles is October 1, 2014.


The articles will be submitted online at the address Please indicate in the title of the message ”Article for the special issue on Korea’s Soft Power in the World”.


If you have any questions, please contact the editors at:


OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
parisconsortium (28 août 2014). Appel à contributions : “Korea’s Soft Power in the World”, 1er octobre 2014. Le Réseau des Études sur la Corée. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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