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The Understanding Korea 2020 Contest Call for Essays. Application Period: June 1 – July 31, 2020

We are pleased to announce the Understanding Korea 2020 Contest Call for Essays. Please note the following guidelines. The Center for International Affair at AKS is the home of the Understanding Korea Project, which seeks to correct inaccurate information on and improve contents about Korea in International textbooks.

1. Essay Themes

Themes Detail
International Images of Korea – Images of Korea in international instructional materials
  (International textbooks, Internet sites, etc.)
– Proposals on how to improve the image of Korea
Improvements using Understanding Korea Materials – Improvements using Understanding Korea materials and
  suggestions for developing new materials

 ※ Website on winners of 2013-2019 competition:         
 ※ Understanding Korea materials published by AKS can be requested for the purpose of this contest. 
      Available in the site below.
      (CEFIA Website:  →  Understanding Korea materialsPublications)

2. Eligibility: Any person except Koreans living in the Korea

3. Submission: Fill out the application form and submit by e-mail to
   ○ Language: Korean or English  
   ○ Essay Length: About 3 pages in A4 format 
   ※ Download the application format from information bulletins in the Academy of Korean Studies homepage or
        Center for International Affairs homepage and submit (only the official format will be accepted).
   ※ Submitted essays will not be returned, and the CEFIA will obtain the copyright.
   ※ Applications can be submitted using either Theme 1 or Theme 2 or both.

4. Prizes

Title Winner Prizes
Grand Prize 2 Awarded by the Minister Prize worth 1,000,000 won
Excellence Prize 4 Awarded by AKS President Prize worth 500,000 won
Participation Prize 6 Awarded by the Center Director Prize worth 200,000 won

  ※ Taxes related to the acceptance of and use of the prize are the winners’ responsibility.
  ※ All applicants will received a souvenir (First 100 applicants only)

5. Application Period: June 1 – July 31, 2020
   ※ Submissions after the deadline will not be accepted.

Pour plus d’informations, voir le site de l’AKS.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
parisconsortium (5 juin 2020). The Understanding Korea 2020 Contest Call for Essays. Application Period: June 1 – July 31, 2020. Le Réseau des Études sur la Corée. Consulté le 12 février 2025 à l’adresse

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