Journées d’étude “Korean Independence Movement and Europe : Comparing “small and weak” nations independence movements after the First World War”, 26 juin 2019
Date et heure
Mercredi 26 juin 2019 de 9h30 à 18h30
Jeudi 27 juin 2019 de 9h à 12h
Université Paris Diderot, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Amphi Turing
Avenue de France / 8 place Aurélie Nemours – 75013 Paris
This workshop aims to share and exchange perspectives between East Asian and European scholars about the “small and weak” nations issue and the Korean independence movement in Europe on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Paris Peace Conference.
First, we intend to focus on the Korean Independence movement in Europe with subjects such as:
(1) the circumstances and process of sending delegates to the Paris Peace Conference, (2) the Korean Paris delegation and the activities of Hwang Ki-Whan, (3) the Association of Koreans in France and the role of Hong Che-Ha, (4) the French people who have supported the Korean independence movement, and (5) the English people who helped the Korean independence movement, etc..Secondly, we would like to deal with comparisons with other non-Korean nations cases:
(1) the “small and weak” nations in the Paris peace Conference, (2) the Asian solidarity between Koreans, Chinese and Vietnamese, (3) the Estonian independence movement and Korea, and (4) the Irish independence movement and Korea, and (5) the other European independence movements.
Marie-Orange RIVE-LASAN, MCF, Paris Diderot University, The Centre for Korean studies of the UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon (CCJ)
CHANG Seok-Heung, Pr., Kookmin University, Korea
LEE Jang-Kyu, PhD student, Paris Diderot University, The Centre for Korean studies of the UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon
Dr. Laurent QUISEFIT, Researcher, The Centre for Korean studies of the UMR 8173 Chine, Corée, Japon
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parisconsortium (3 juin 2019). Journées d’étude “Korean Independence Movement and Europe : Comparing “small and weak” nations independence movements after the First World War”, 26 juin 2019. Le Réseau des Études sur la Corée. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse