The North Korea Challenges, Regional Order and International Security, January 29th
The North Korea Challenges, Regional Order and International Security
With the following contributions:
- International Sanctions on North Korea: Analysis of UN Security Council Resolutions – by Dr. Ko Sangtu ; Professor, Graduate School for Area Studies, Yonsei University
- North Korea’s Nuclear-missile Development Strategy and its Effects on East Asia Regional Order– by Dr. Lee Seunghyun ; Senior Researcher, Foreign Affairs and National Security Team, National Assembly Research Service
- Deterring who, what, and how: Searching for Adaptability of the Israeli Experience with Deterrence to South Korea– by Dr. Kim Juri ; Research Professor, CARIFS, Yonsei University
- The latest Developments of Japan’s Defence Policy in Reaction to the Situation in North Korea– by Dr. Guibourg Delamotte ; Lecturer, Inalco / Associate Fellow, Asia Centre
- Crisis Management on the Korean Peninsula, a European Perspective– byDr. Mathieu Duchâtel ; Senior Policy Fellow and Deputy Director of the Asia and China Programme, European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR)
A conference proposed by Pr. Minjeoung Kim, Ph.D (Dept. of International Relations, University of Seoul) and Florence Biot (Advisory board, Asia Centre)
Conference will be in English, chaired by Jean-Yves Colin.
The Débats Asie were created in 2006 with the purpose of sharing the experience and expertise of business leaders, academics, media, institutional and key civil society representatives from Europe or Asia.
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